
Battery Storage

Aura Power are developing a 108MW battery storage system at site at Palmela. The site is located in Herdade de Biscaia, parish of Palmela adjacent to the Subestação de Palmela 150kV substation and covers a plot of land of 4 hectares. The installation occupies 1 hectare and is composed of 26 battery units and each unit is made up of 20 batteries.

This project will store energy from E-REDES in times of excess production and return this energy to the grid in times of greater need/lower production capacity, playing a crucial role in the decarbonisation of our electricity network with much needed increases in renewable energy sources.

This solution will, therefore, not result in emissions during its operation, but rather allows the grid frequency to be balanced in times of system overload. It provides a flexible backup power source for the grid and can quickly respond to variations resulting in local and national energy need, along with increasing fluctuations in production resulting from an increasing use of intermittent renewable energy sources.

This project will contribute to ensuring that there is a reliable and constant supply of electricity throughout the E-REDES transmission network.

Latest News


Site selected and land rights agreed


Undertaking a series of environmental surveys to inform our plans


Permitting completion target


Construction to start, if permits acquired


Energisation of the battery storage system once construction is complete

Key Facts & Benefits

Contributes to local and national targets
Local School Visits

Our Proposal

We are currently in the early stages of developing this battery energy storage project. Our proposed layout can be seen to the left and would import and export power from the grid and store it in batteries. As such, it would not result in any emissions during operation. It would act as a ‘balancing service’ for the grid in balancing frequency at times of system stress. In simple terms, battery storage provides a means of allowing electricity from the grid to be imported and stored within the batteries at times of low usage, and exported back into the grid at times of system stress / demand.

The site is located nearby an existing electricity substation, meaning energy stored in the batteries can be released rapidly back into the grid.

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